Lucas Turns One | Balboa Park Family Portrait Shoot

Lucas’ Mommy is a fellow teacher, colleague, and much more- one of my close friends. We taught together on the same team for only two years, but in those two years we depended on each other ( and our team greatly) to be the best teachers possible to our students. It was such a joy to find out that Lucas was on the way when Linda was first pregnant. And although Covid has kept us from being together as often as I would like, I have a special love in my heart for him and am so blessed to be able to photograph him.

We started our day early in the morning- yes very early, 6:30 am- at Balboa Park and then made our way back to their house to shoot some traditional Korean One Year Pictures. Except for me accidentally popping the balloon at the end, the day felt like a success and Lucas did great.

Part 2

For Part 2 we headed back to their house and shot Lucas in a traditional Korean first birthday outfit. And look, he is still smiling even after going on the third hour of shooting. What a trooper!

Part 3

And lastly, we ended our shoot with a little cake smash!

Alexa Turns 15 | UCSD

When I first met Alexa she was just a little girl, sitting on a beanbag in her mom’s classroom- which by the way is the rite of all teacher’s children at some point or another. Her mom Brenda was on my grade level team at my first full time teaching job. 6th grade all day, every day! Now look at Alexa. She has grown into a beautiful woman. I can’t believe how fast time passes. She turns 15 and will be celebrating her quinceanera this weekend.

Alexa, happy birthday mija!

Cillian and Sebastian are One! | Balboa Park

Last month I posted Baby Madison’s pictures, well this month I was able to photograph her twin cousins, Cillian and Sebastian! The boys did great during the shoot- super calm and flexible. These boys are pretty identical, so telling who was who proved to be a bit of a challenge, but by the end we were getting into the groove! Balboa Park was beautiful as always and surprisingly pretty packed- Covid 19 definitely is not affecting Balboa Park. I am always amazed at how every time I go to Balboa Park I find new spots that I haven’t noticed before. Alex and Tammi had already picked out some spots ahead of time, and each spot was somewhere I hadn’t shot before so it kept things new and exciting. They also had prepared a cute themed one-year old set up based off the book Where the Wild Things Are. As were shooting you could hear people stopping to watch and comment on how cute they boys were in their outfits and tents. The boys were as cute as can be!

Baby Emma Newborn Session

Baby Emma was a baby that was long prayed for. After having the first daughter, Jaz and Ulysses tried for many years to get pregnant again but were unable. Then, when they least expected it, their prayers were answered and Baby Emma was on the way. This pregnancy had its challenges as the majority of it took place during the Coronavirus quarantines, but Emma arrived, a little late, but big and healthy. This was the first shoot I did since the quarantine started, and it felt so good to behind the camera again. Like an old friend.

Madison Is One! | Los Penasquitos Canyon

Sweet Madison! You are just barely beginning and yet your sweet heart and contagious smile as won so many over. You are literally the easiest baby ever to take pictures of and I am so grateful that I get to be the one to do it. Your mommy and daddy adore you and it is evident in the way the sweetly take care of you. You are a lucky girl to have such an amazing mommy and daddy! I hope that these pictures will be precious memories for years to come! Until next year Madison! :)

The Neslen Family at Presidio Park

The Neslen Family and I headed out to Presidio Park for their pictures. They are no stranger to my camera, we have taken pictures of them since they were a family of two. Their family has grown and so has our friendship over the years. Unlike my house full of girls, they have their hands full with three boys. It is so funny watching how different raising boys is from raising girls. Grace was calm as could be as the boys jumped, dove, fell, wrestled, ran and everything else that little boys do. I’m so glad that I could continue our tradition of taking pictures of their family as they grow.

Baby Penelope Newborn Session

Going back in time here a bit, Penelope is a big one year old now but she was the sweetest little newborn. I always say that newborn shoots are the hardest of all types of photography but I have to say, Penelope was probably the easiest of all the newborn shoots I have done. She did exactly what we needed- slept pretty much the whole time.

I love watching Liz as a mom- she rocks it. Not only is she a hot mama but she is raising one strong, independent woman that could conquer the world, because that is exactly what Liz is teaching her. Liz is also so stylish, making her family even more fun to photograph. And Trent is the perfect support for her, super chill and go with the flow and always a sport when it comes to taking pictures. You have no idea how much easier that makes my job.

Since this photoshoot I have shot pictures of their little family many times. But these still are some of my favorites!

The Flores Family and In Memory of Baby Kash

It has taken me a few months to write this post, mostly because I wasn’t quite sure how to start, what to say. Sometimes words lack the power to represent the rawness of a moment and the fear of not doing a story justice looms over the writer. That is what has kept me from posting these pictures- the fear of not doing justice to the life my sweet friend has had to live and overcome. I post these pictures and tell their story with the permission of the Flores Family, and I hope that they bring back sweet memories.

When the Flores Family found out they were pregnant after years of trying they were elated. For Paola, her family is everything. She is a fierce mama bear, to say the least. She also happens to be one of the best in her profession, the hardest worker I know, passionate as fire, funny, kind, fiercely loyal, feisty and real. The pregnancy and Baby Kash was long waited for and this little warrior was fully loved.

Sometimes in life, things that you know shouldn’t happen do happen, and to people they shouldn’t happen to. The day after this photo shoot Paola went into labor. I remember so clearly in the shoot having this strange feeling that if we wouldn’t have done this shoot the exact day we did, then we wouldn’t have done it at all. Two days later, little Kash was born.

Kash was born with a special heart- a heart that was made for heaven, not earth. And because of this, Kash could only stay for a while. For the little while he was here he stayed in his family’s arms. The sweetest picture of him is one where he is in his mama’s arms, his eyes locked on hers, as if to say “I see you, Mommy.” Two days after being born it was time to go where his heart was completely at peace. He left this world in his daddy’s arms and went to where the arms that would cradle him forever were those of his most perfect heavenly Father.

No words quite describe the pain of losing a child. A gut-wrenching, chest pounding pain that you can only know if you have gone through it yourself. You can’t explain it, or talk it out- all you can do is live through it. Take one day and get through it, and then work on the next day tomorrow. The Flores Family lived through this reality and have made it a priority to remember Kash and to celebrate him. At his celebration of life, Chris, Kash’s daddy spoke and shared this quote,

“You fought for us, now we fight for you.”

Kash was a fighter till the end, a warrior, beating odds so his family could hold him a little longer. There is no doubt that you have an angel looking over you Flores Family. You have handled his passing with such grace and courage and realness. I am honored to have witnessed your family’s faith in God and your reliance on his power and comfort. The testimony you have left through this time has marked those that have watched it- I can only imagine the impact it will have on eternity. I am so blessed that I got to take part in remember your angel by taking these pictures. I love you and pray for you often.

As I was writing this post I kept remembering this story of Enoch, the man that God took, from the perspective of a sweet little girl.

Genesis 5:24 Enoch walked steadily with God. And then one day he was simply gone: God took him.

A little girl came home from Sunday School, and her mother asked, “What did your teacher tell you about today?”

The little girl said, “She told us all about this man Enoch.”

And the mother said, “Well what about Enoch?”

So the little girl told her mama this story. "Enoch lived a long time ago, and God would come by every afternoon and say to him, ‘Enoch, would you like to take a walk with me?’ Enoch would say, ‘Yes, I’d like to take a walk with you, God.’ And so every day God would come by Enoch’s house, and Enoch would go walking with God. One day God came by and said, ‘Enoch, let’s take a long walk today. I want to talk to you.’ So they started out. Enoch got his coat- even took his lunch, and they started walking. They walked and they walked and they walked, and finally it got late. Enoch said, ‘My, it’s getting late, and I am a long way from home. Maybe we’d better start back.’ But God said, ‘Enoch, you are closer to my home than you are to your home, so you come on and go home with Me.’ And so Enoch went home with God.”

Little Kash was closer to God’s home than he was to ours, sweet friend, and so, despite how he would be missed, he went home with God. But for this whole life he will live in your hearts until one day you will be in each other’s arms again.

The Acosta Family Portraits at Mission Trails

About 12 years ago I met Nena and her family for the first time on a mission’s trip down to Mexico. I had, of course, no idea how that trip would completely change the direction of my entire life. Just one of the countless ways that it changed was by binding my heart to my friend who has become more sister then friend. Fede and Nena are our children’s godparents, and truly love our daughter’s as their own. Those that have kids know that there is nothing greater than this that you can ask for in our friendship. They are also our pastors, our confidants, our encouragers, our “keeping it real” people, through the thick and thin they have stuck. I am so blessed to have this gift of friendship in my life.

I have taken pictures of Lesly and Aaron since Aaron was barely old enough to walk. Now, Lesly has just turned 15. It is sort of unbelievable how time flies by. And also, how my photography has improved, haha… when I was editing these pictures I was somewhat taken aback looking at how they have grown, almost adults themselves. Any parent will know that this is bittersweet. You want to pause moments, relive them- but you can’t. So we try to do these shoots as often as we can because in some way we are pausing the moment so that we can later relive it. This is a gift I can give and I can’t put into words how honored I feel to do so.

I am going to warn you ahead of time, I am going to overpost, I can’t help it.

The Papapietro Family at Presidio Park

This special family are no strangers to my blog- in fact, this fall I did pictures of Amanda’s family by themselves and Liz’s family by themselves. But I absolutely love that every year Katie, Amanda and Liz’s mom, makes it a priority to get them all together and do what I refer to as “the big family shoot”. It is always eventful- full of laughing, crying (mostly the toddler but sometimes the mom chasing the toddler lol), and lots of singing/dancing/yelling/hooting/anything to get the kids’ attention.

I love this family, each and everyone of them. I can’t imagine a single year where we don’t do this. I hope it never stops.

Kayla's Quinceanera Portraits at Steele Canyon Bridge

Turning 15 is a big deal- Kayla’s Quinceanera shoot had to be rescheduled until after her actual party due to rain- and I mean a lot of rain, days of rain. But she looked as cute as the day of her party in her vaquera dress and boots. Kayla, I hope this is a wonderful year for you! Happy Birthday!

The Metcalfe Family Portraits at Mission Trails

Two days before Thanksgiving I got to take pictures of this sweet family! How fun to grow up in a family with 4 kids- you have constant built-in best friends! My little family of two seemed so small in comparison! Belle kept telling me that it was going to crazy with the kids, but they did really well. I live for this type of crazy. :) .

Mission Trails was the perfect spot, just what I was looking for! I have shot here before but for whatever reason this field wasn’t calling my name. It definitely was this time! The day was pretty overcast, following a few days of pretty intense rain- but there were a few moments throughout the shoot where the sun would start to peak through and give the sweet, warm glow that I can’t resist. We had talked about maybe going to two spots but we were loving this field so much that we ended up starting and finishing our shoot here.

Belle I hope you love your pictures and thank you for trusting me to take them! I hope this is the first of many!

The Pyle Family Portraits at Iron Mountain Trailhead

Jeff and Abigail have been close friends of ours since college- and yes that is more years ago then I care to admit. As the years have passed we have added babies and mortgages to our friendship and we have watched our friendship grow and transform. Their family has grown by three since they were married, and our kids have had the opportunity to grow up together.

For this shoot we headed out to Iron Mountain Trailhead. The long row of trees at this location is of course magical, although I have to say that I wasn’t the only photographer that thought so- it was kind of like survival of the fittest out there, haha. But despite the many families there taking pictures, we were still able to get some great shots! I’m already looking forward to our next shoot!

The Oberem Family Portraits at Marian Bear Park

For the last two years I have shot Belinda and her beautiful family’s pictures, but this year, her mom decided she wanting to do big family portraits as well. So we ended up photographing at the same location just one week later. But the amazing thing about Marian Bear Park is that there are so many little hidden treasures there that really you could shoot there every day and find new spots to explore.

There is something beautiful about shooting these generational sessions like this- capturing the moments of the whole family together. Truly family is our greatest earthly gift that we have in this life- and all too fast our kids grow up and our parents grow older. Freezing these moments in time is priceless.

Mia's Quinceañera Portraits at Hidden Oaks Ranch

For Mia’s Quinceañera portraits we headed all the way out to Ramona to the magical venue of Hidden Oaks Ranch. This place was a complete fairytale. I got there early to explore and seriously felt like I was walking through the set of a Disney movie. It was worth the drive to head out there! Mia played the perfect part of the princess in her magical forest- she was absolutely beautiful. Her mom, Carol, was a trooper, helping Mia through the grass and up the hills and even up the rocks. By the end of the day we decided that we all deserved some In n’ Out!

When I take these pictures I can’t help but think about how before I know it my own girls will be dressed up as princesses celebrating their Quinceañera. It’s almost too much! For now, their princess dresses are yellow like Belle, or Pink like Aurora, and I’ll just keep them little for as long as I can.

Mia, I hope you have the sweetest day! I am so glad that I got to be a part of it!

The Griffith Family Portraits at Marian Bear Park

This is the second time that I have shot the Griffith’s family pictures- the first time was at Torrey Pines and we knew that was going to be a tough location to beat. There was one shot in particular from that shoot that was just a show stopper with the beautiful hill rolling in the backgrounds. So that meant that choosing the location this time wasn’t going to be easy. After going back and forth we finally ended up settling on Marian Bear Park. It seemed like all hope might be loss when we ended up at different parts of the park- but after a little encouragement we found each other and continued on with the shoot! I am so glad we did because the day was beautiful and Marian Bear Park didn’t disappoint- just like always. One day when I have time I want to explore that park and see what other hidden treasure might be hiding there. For now, I definitely have my favorite spots.

The Griffiths and I actually go all the way back to college days. We attended the same church for a while and had similar circles of friends. The fact that we both ended up in San Diego really was a great coincidence. It has been fun to reconnect and to have pictures be the reason and way for that. The kids are just as sweet as can be and really easy to photograph- hence all the family pictures where all the kids are looking at the camera, because we all know how hard that is with 4 kids. They rocked it though, seriously. Belinda, I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Brix's Not-So-Newborn Session at Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve

I am calling this the Not-So-Newborn Session because originally this was supposed to be a newborn session but time got away from us- like many months away from us, haha. But we finally got out there to get the pictures that had long been planned on! Brix was a trooper and so were Megan and Branden. They are first time parents to little Brix and I seriously can’t believe how much it seems like they have it together! I was such a stress case with my first baby but they couldn’t have been more chill during the shoot.

The weather was gorgeous and Los Penasquitos Canyon was just as beautiful as ever. I am soaking up these sunny days because the sun always does something magical to photos. Red Starbucks cups are right around the corner but for now I am grateful for the sunny days.

Lucas Newborn Session

As many of you know, in addition to being a photographer, I am also a teacher. Linda was one of my partner teachers that taught 6th grade with me. When we worked together she was my partner in crime. Lots of late night texting, early morning meetings, and everything in between. When you are a teacher, it isn’t just part of your life, it is your life- so it is no surprise that the people you work with are often times more than just co-workers. They are friends. That is what Linda is- a friend that I feel 100% comfortable being myself with, that is a special gift.

So when I found out that Linda was pregnant I knew I would love this little baby. And of course the moment I met him I loved him already. He is so sweet and so little. Already I wanted to freeze time for Linda and Justin, because I know how fast this time goes.

Soak it in friend, every moment. Hold him close, let him sleep in your arms- do all the things they tell you not to because the season is going to go way too fast. I can’t wait to watch Lucas grow. I am so happy for you friend! And P.S. Justin you did absolutely great- as far as husbands and pictures go you are one of the good ones! ;)

The Chen Family Portraits at Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve

What a special day to see The Chen Family again... a few years ago now I shot their wedding and now to see them again with their family expanded by two was so sweet. When they first reached out to arrange a family portrait session we considered a few different options for the location. In the end we decided on Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve. This was actually the first time I had shot here before but what I loved about it was the variety of different places to shoot. From wheat colored grass fields, to big sweeping oak trees, a creek with an old wooden bridge and trees areas that looked like they came straight from the fairy tale. But what I loved most of all was how easy it was to access all these spots. When you have two kids in strollers the walk has to be pretty easy. The weather was gorgeous and the kids were so sweet- that makes for some great pictures!

It means so much to me to continue shooting people’s pictures through every season of their life. It means that the relationships we have formed will continue to grown and I have the honor of being able to keep taking their pictures in each season of their life. I am so grateful for this opportunity.