
The Metcalfe Family Portraits at Mission Trails

Two days before Thanksgiving I got to take pictures of this sweet family! How fun to grow up in a family with 4 kids- you have constant built-in best friends! My little family of two seemed so small in comparison! Belle kept telling me that it was going to crazy with the kids, but they did really well. I live for this type of crazy. :) .

Mission Trails was the perfect spot, just what I was looking for! I have shot here before but for whatever reason this field wasn’t calling my name. It definitely was this time! The day was pretty overcast, following a few days of pretty intense rain- but there were a few moments throughout the shoot where the sun would start to peak through and give the sweet, warm glow that I can’t resist. We had talked about maybe going to two spots but we were loving this field so much that we ended up starting and finishing our shoot here.

Belle I hope you love your pictures and thank you for trusting me to take them! I hope this is the first of many!