
Alexa Turns 15 | UCSD

When I first met Alexa she was just a little girl, sitting on a beanbag in her mom’s classroom- which by the way is the rite of all teacher’s children at some point or another. Her mom Brenda was on my grade level team at my first full time teaching job. 6th grade all day, every day! Now look at Alexa. She has grown into a beautiful woman. I can’t believe how fast time passes. She turns 15 and will be celebrating her quinceanera this weekend.

Alexa, happy birthday mija!

Kayla's Quinceanera Portraits at Steele Canyon Bridge

Turning 15 is a big deal- Kayla’s Quinceanera shoot had to be rescheduled until after her actual party due to rain- and I mean a lot of rain, days of rain. But she looked as cute as the day of her party in her vaquera dress and boots. Kayla, I hope this is a wonderful year for you! Happy Birthday!

Mia's Quinceañera Portraits at Hidden Oaks Ranch

For Mia’s Quinceañera portraits we headed all the way out to Ramona to the magical venue of Hidden Oaks Ranch. This place was a complete fairytale. I got there early to explore and seriously felt like I was walking through the set of a Disney movie. It was worth the drive to head out there! Mia played the perfect part of the princess in her magical forest- she was absolutely beautiful. Her mom, Carol, was a trooper, helping Mia through the grass and up the hills and even up the rocks. By the end of the day we decided that we all deserved some In n’ Out!

When I take these pictures I can’t help but think about how before I know it my own girls will be dressed up as princesses celebrating their Quinceañera. It’s almost too much! For now, their princess dresses are yellow like Belle, or Pink like Aurora, and I’ll just keep them little for as long as I can.

Mia, I hope you have the sweetest day! I am so glad that I got to be a part of it!